Do you have a Vivid Vision for your Future? business growth goals purpose team

Vivid Vision, from my friend, Cameron Herold, is a great strategy tool to enable your team (and family) to see one future for everyone to strive to achieve. 

One of my tips: have a clear focus on where you are going. If you are struggling with a focus or purpose for you and/or your business...

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Four Agreements to Firing Yourself First goals personal productivity purpose team

One of my favorite books on personal development and business communication is the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I'm sure you will agree if you live by the following "agreements" you will certainly have a better quality of life, and help you on your journey to Fire...

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How to Fire Yourself First on Capability Amplifier Podcast! business growth dashboards goals scorecards team

Check out this video and audio Capability Amplifier Podcast I was on recently! 

Mike thinks EVERY business owner also wants a self-managing company that can scale to whatever level you dream of that's both lifestyle compatible and saleable someday.

It'd also be nice if it was a...

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How to Hold Team Meetings That Donā€™t Suck meetings team

 In order to have a successful business, you need to ensure that you have an established rhythm of communicating with your team. This communication plan will include a daily meeting (or huddles, as some people like to call them), weekly team meetings and a monthly one-to-one meeting with...

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